Devops for Microsoft products such as Power BI, SSRS and others. This includes support for core DevOps processes: automated Test, Build and Release (CI/CD).
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Devops for Elite 3E systems, including deep insights into development changes and processes for managing GCR for 3E.
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Devops for Elite 3E systems, including deep insights into development changes and processes for managing GCR for 3E.
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Download our whitepaper on Enterprise Devops for Elite 3E® and Aderant Expert. Insights, analytics and processes to improve GCR.
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DevOps for Enterprise solutions from Thomson Reuters, Aderant and Intapp covering the entire cycle of reporting, testing, CI/CD pipelines, monitoring and governance.
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Devops for Elite 3E systems, including deep insights into development changes and processes for managing GCR for 3E.
Continue readingDeep Data DevOps and Governance
Aderant Devops
ExaOps Aderant Devops adds facilities to track and trace the process of Aderant developments.
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